About- OpenSchool
AgniPrava Educational Foundation(AEF) has been established to be a medium for making education easy for students who are unable to attend regular classes. The challenge before us has been to make the instructional delivery of curriculum convenient and as effective as regular classes for the students. It has to be a well planned and organized - extended learning endeavour which allows students to pursue other activities without affecting their learning. Reaching them through Open Schooling System provides an excellent platform to launch their career.
Our instructional delivery and facilitation of educational courses have expanded in Tamilnadu and other states of India. It is a fulfillment of our aspiration to play a pivotal role in making education convenient for students all over the India.
AgniPrava Educational Foundation(AEF) has been built on a foundation to promote greater access to quality higher education, cutting-edge research and contribution to the society. It provides generic skills together with flexibility, adaptability and passion for life-long learning, while simultaneously equipping young people with the best basis for careers in any area, including industries, and for the unforeseen needs of the future. AgniPrava Educational Foundation(AEF) guiding tenet is to nurture and mould talent. It is also envisaged that AgniPrava Educational Foundation(AEF)shall make significant contribution to the cultural, intellectual and social aspects of the broader community. Professors and Scholars shall leverage their expertise to improve local industry, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and regional institutions. At AgniPrava Educational Foundation(AEF) we are counseling and equipping the students to get coveted jobs. AgniPrava Educational Foundation(AEF)shall cater to the development and upliftment of the economic conditions and social welfare of the local indigenous tribes of different states and also the local population as a whole establishing our motto “Driving Towards Perfection.”.
To Build a World Class Educational Institution with all educational facilities which will cater to the needs of 10th standard and 12th standard students through Open Schooling.
We are the premier providers of Open School Education through various Open Schooling Service Providers under the name of AEF. Students become independent and good decision-makers. They are self-regulated and focus on the necessary learning, and are less stressed out. We always strive to provide perfect platform to become the launch pad of many students career illustrating our motto “Driving Towards Perfection.”.
That all women, men and children have the basic right to dignity and self determination and that all people should have the opportunity and choice of enhancing their own potential and well-being.